How to stop crime!

4:56 PM Posted by PedroLS

We live in a world where ,due to social differences,crime will never be erradicated.I'll therefore give my opinion on the subject and i'd appreciate if you gave yours as well ,as a comment.

In the middle ages most crimes were punished with the death penalty.If a man stole a lum p of bread to feed his family he'd be hang up.Unfortunately,it was a punishment too strong for trying to survive and too light since he'd die anyway from hunger,so he'd have nothing to lose and wouldn't therefore be stopped by such a horrible death.

I've come to the conclusion that the only way to stop crime would be creating a society with no social differences,where everything would be state propriety ,distributed equally to everyone.Everyone would be as rich or poor as everyone else.This way,if a man stole something from some else he'd be robbing himself since the state would replace the robbed person's stolen items, making the entire country a bit poorer.

This idea being a bit too perfect and therefore undoable disenables it as a practical solution.

As far as i'm concerned, there is only one long-term solution:parenting and education.
If children are raised to believe commiting a felony is a wrong thing they will not do it!Though most parents try to do it ,they are dangerously unaware that what they're doing is actually useless.'everyone is bound to do some mistakes when they're young','i can't keep him from trying drugs','i'm working all the time so i can't control his every move'!These are all ex cuses from parents that don't truly care about their children (well,in most cases).The moment parents stop actively parenting the child will eventualy start trying newer and greater crimes, and an idea that crime pays off is bound to start sinking in!
Most white collar crimes do actually pay off and the chance the criminal is going to be arrested is very slim and the punishment a simple 'ticket'.We must rely on our children values not benefit on the expense of others,otherwise we'll he headed towards disaster!

1 comentários:

Anonymous said...

omg that is sooooooo true,my teen kids won't understand that!!!
neat blog as well
i'll check it periodicly

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