Why should I vote on that candidate?

4:30 PM Posted by PedroLS

Mankind has had over 10 000 years to reach a fully developed utopia. However, cities are overcrowded, the criminal rate is going through the roof, over 80% of countries are underdeveloped and struggle with the need to feed their inhabitants, and social differences increase exponentially by the year. How have we evolved so little? Simple. Because of our leaders!

Since the dawn of men people have gathered for protection, placing their trust on their leader’s wise guidance. However, when the leader isn’t as wise as it was thought to be it’s the entire village\country\empire that suffer the consequences.

This has happened for many reasons: the leader’s lack off ability or experience, his greed or the fact that he took the job for a reason other than to lead his country to greatness. Such reasons show the utmost lack of responsibility, respect and moral and, though it’s impossible to, should be punished. Such reasons have passed unnoticed simply because they were masked by other abilities (having been a war hero or being a great orator).

The second reason would be the fact that ‘minor’ social issues (like gay marriage) have deviated our attention from the truly important problems: war, criminality, hunger and poverty! How is it possible that thousands die every year on wars all across the globe, billions of crime end up unsolved, and hundreds of thousands starve to death while we waste hours on end guessing why the president or the prime-minister didn’t use the flag pin on his lapel?
Such problems can only be corrected by a nationwide idea that we must focus on what’s important (which is impossible) or by electing a candidate that is aware of such social cancers!

Therefore, your own responsibility is even greater since you’ll have to analyze thoroughly every candidate’s motivation, abilities and ideas.

When voting, please:
-Have in mind that if you choose a candidate because you’ll benefit from it, it’ll likely be at the expense of others.
-Choose a candidate that within boundaries will benefit the entire nation (not at the cost of enslaving others per example).
-Choose the candidate that is the most liberal (tolerance is a huge step towards success).
-Make sure that he/she we’ll benefit the country not only on the short-term (aim for those that’ll try to improve the county’s economy instead of selling all its natural resources per example).
-Choose one that is, on top of all things, ethical, just, honest and Intelligent!.
-When voting, don’t be racist or chauvinist (other races and women are just as capable).

And finally if any of the candidates doesn’t fit the criteria do not vote! Settling for the best of the unsuitable is the first step towards failure and disaster!

2 comentários:

Anonymous said...

though i don't think gay marriage is a minor social issue,i agree with the rest of the post.
nice blog

PedroLS said...

Gay marriage itself is not a minor subject but in comparison to other things like starvation and poverty,it definetely is.

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