Proof that God doesn’t exist!

5:15 PM Posted by PedroLS

I was raised as a Christian and went for about 12 years to a catholic school. However I started wondering about what it all meant, if god truly existed and so on…

Having given it some serious amount of thought I eventually come to the conclusion that god (the Christian one described on the Bible not any other god) doesn’t exist!

Firstly, having in mind the bible states god knows the entire extension of time, why would he create humans in the first place? Knowing they’d make each other suffer why would he make us endure such a sentence. Was he bored, did he need a hobby?

Every answer you come up with is bound to be selfish, immoral or even wicked! This Is the first contradiction I found in the good book.

Secondly knowing of the mental and moral restrictions of many men why would he have given us free will, which most people preach about as being his greatest gift?

Why didn't he make us obey to certain rules which would erradicate suffering and pain?

Well, maybe he isn’t as omnipotent and all-seeing as people think he is. But if such a supposition is true, why wouldn’t he have changed us throughout the years?

Imagine you had bought a ‘human colony’, which was a small-sized replica of the world nowadays. It was filled with six billion with feelings. What would you do? Assuming you knew what was better for them, wouldn’t you set a perfect scenario so they’d have the best life possible?

Is it or is it not a major paradox according to the description of god given by Jesus himself?

Makes you wonder….

38 comentários:

Anonymous said...

First of all, God is not the cause of all our suffering... we are. If you want to blame somebody for your problems then just look in the mirror. There's the root cause of all your problems.

Second, God created man so that He could share His eternal love. For love to exist, there must be a lover & an object of that love. In short, we are a manifestation of God's love in this more, no less.

The reason for our suffering is that we have no idea whatsoever as to why we're here. If we did, we wouldn't be killing, stealing, cheating, and doing all sort of crazy stuff to our fellowman.

Besides, all the problems in this world were started by people who didn't believe God exists. Because if they did, they'd be part of the solution rather than being part of the problem.

Have a nice day! Peace!

PedroLS said...

Firstly you dodged what i said.
I stated that WE are the cause of OUR problems and that God if he existed was stupid to give us free will since thats the cause of our problems.
Being religious has nothing to do with being or doing good.It has to do with your ideals.I'm not religious myself and i try to do the right thing.If i were you i'd see my religions and heppiness and fulfilment posts concerning the last paragraph of your answer....

Anonymous said...

indeed. suffering is probably one of the reasons some people have doubts about god. it just seems cruel, all the pain and anguish that's common in the world.

Anonymous said...

It's sad to see you changed your view about God :(

As to your question on why He gives us free will, well let me ask you this:

if you have a kid (or a dog), do you want him/her to love you because you make him/her to, or because he/she loves you truly by his/her own free will? That sums it up

Seek Him more from the Bible, not from books and your own rational, and I hope that He may enlighten your ways again :)

The Law said...

At the onset, I am not religious, maybe secularly spiritual, not truly belong to any one relious belief, though I am christian in name.

That said, I think the problem with both sides of the argument is that God and Christianity are viewed as such polar extremes. One side says He is the creator of everything, and the other sides points out rather obvious fallacies. However God, Christianity, and religion as a concept, a mental construct, can maybe be seen as a metaphor for all things we can't understand or rationalize. The degree to which we believe in that metaphor helps to "fill in the blanks" in our understanding of the world... a placeholder for emperial knowledge gianed through time. It would explain the evolution of Christianity these 2008 years, and validate both claims to existance, or non existance. To not believe in the Chirstian God or other power is to reject the metaphor in favor of strict tangible data. If one can find comfort in that notion, that is good and well, but I think spirituality, no matter which God one believes in, is essential to the human experience.

Nice post =) I've thought about this for a while and it was fun to share my opinion!


PedroLS said...

The law,I must admit i agree with your comment on all of it's extention.
'However God, Christianity, and religion as a concept, a mental construct, can maybe be seen as a metaphor for all things we can't understand or rationalize.'sums up our need for a god.

I also think its is very sad, because it's a bullet-proof fact that ignorance is bliss, Micheal.

On what the kid\dog is concerned that has to do with what I\YOU would like, not what would be best for him/her.
Did she not know and suffer from being forced to love me i'd be fine with it.
Imagine she was a 18y old teen ,totally out of control, would you rather she'd not be given free will?

Maybe i didn't make it clear, not having free will is not the same as being in a dictatorship, its having your mind set up to do good things!

Anonymous said...

great topic very intriging i was also raised to believe in god does he really exist i do believe so but this subject is one that each has his own opinion on

Anonymous said...

Anyone who is honest with himself and could think without biases would immediately figure out that god is the greatest fictional character man has ever created. The idea of the existence of this thing they call god is the most flawed and twisted idea of all times but it managed to fool people for thousands of years.

Anonymous said...

WRONG! I have proof god DOES exist!

George Bush!

Such a wonderful leader, who is a master of international relations, a shining beacon of economical prosperity, all with an unbelievable honesty and integrity.

Hum. Ok, you're right... No god.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

I was looking at the title of your post and it says, proof that God doesn't exist but I have not found even on iota of evidence that He doesn't. All you gave were mere speculations. You can never deny God's existence by mere speculations and conjectures. Now, may I ask you, if God does not exist, who created us? Who created the entire universe. Surely they did not all sprout up like mushrooms, don't they? You were blaming God for giving man free will. What do you want, robots without any sense of right or wrong? The problem with people who mess up their lives is that they want to get God out of the equation because they fear Him and would not want to be subjected to His judgment after their lives are over. Solution, just reason out that God does not exist and presto they can do their own thing. But alas, they are falling into the trap of Satan.

PedroLS said...

Your mind is biased in such a way you can't conceive the inexistance of your God.
I didn't speculate my friend....
What i did was take the word of God (supposedly given by jesus) and philosophize about it.
Caveman used to pray to god whenever a storm hit them because they didn't fully undestand it.
You don't understand the universe's existance.Why does it have to be divine action?

About the consequencial argument, they NEED a good so the ones that do the right thing may be rewarded!
Feel free to check my Religions post.....

Anonymous said...

Such a hot button topic, right on for posting something so touchy.

I am really Agnostic by nature, I don't not believe there is a god or creator, but I don't really believe in any specific organized religion.

The bible was manufactured by humans and for people to take it as true word of god is to believe that humans were at one point completely and utterly truthful and honest.

If there was a single god and Christianity were the true faith, there wouldn't be so much belief in wildly different faiths? Does the # of followers make that religion the "right" one and the others wrong? This would make Islam the standard world wide religion, since it outnumbers catholicism now.

Really Churches are corrupt and few hold to the principles of what "GOD" would want anymore, we must find god in ourselves and through each other, not through organized mass preaching religion.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I think one of my biggest conflicts with religion is if there is a God, why would he make it so difficult for us to believe in him, and then go on to punish us for eternity for not doing so? Christians constantly state how forgiving God is, but that doesn't seem forgiving to me. I'm more forgiving than that, considering the longest grudge I held was maybe 10 years, and even then, I did not torment the person who committed the wrongdoing.

Also, on the part about how all problems were started by people who didn't believe in God. What about holy wars? About one group attacking another because they don't believe the God one side believes in is the right one, simply because they go by a different name, or worship using different rituals?

~ Kristi

*** said...

Nothing anyone, here or elsewhere, says about god is anything but conjecture. You have no proof.
Michael Aulia seems to think the bible isn't a book, it is. It was written by men and women when they were setting up and establishing a religion, which is another means to control others. The so called 'laws' given by the so called 'god' are man made, intended to control.
Most religions seem to have a problem with sex, have you noticed? They consider it a moral question, and make up laws to control others' sexuality. I find that interesting.
As for anonymous who appears to think wars are only started by people who don't believe in god, whaaaat? Ever heard of the Crusades? Does George the Chimp believe in god? He certainly believes in war. Hitler was a catholic. As for the 'reason' why we're here, it's called evolution, same reason all life is 'here'. But then you probably don't believe in that either.
Religion exists for the simple minded to be reassured and comforted. Despite which they and all of us will die and cease to exist, forever. Get over it and grow up is my advice.

AceHighness said...

WE are the reason for our suffering ?
so the people in india who are hungry, its their own fault ???
yeah right .... what part of the world do YOU live in ?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I didn't read all the comments, so if I'm hitting on something that's already been said, I apologize. (And I'll say in advance that this may get long..)

God has a Nature or character. His Nature is Who He is. He does not, cannot change Who He is. There are certain aspects, if you will, to His Nature. He named these attributes of His Nature in Exodus 34:6-7. They are:

2. LORD God
3. merciful
4. gracious
5. longsuffering
6. abundant in goodness
7. abundant in truth
8. keeping mercy for thousands (which makes Him a "preserver of bountifulness")
9. forgiver of iniquity
10. forgiver of transgression
11. forgiver of sin
12. that will be no means clear the guilty (more easily said as the "just judge")

Notice that three of the unchanging attributes of Who God is are "forgiver." God is good and holy, and the things that He is NOT (i.e. unmercifulness, pride, shedding of innocent blood, etc. etc.) are called sin. When people sin, we need forgiveness and the only One Who can forgive us is God Himself.

See, God could not express ALL of His Nature before sinful man existed. He knew that He had forgiveness within Himself but He had no way to express it or to reveal it.

It may sound completely silly to you, but it's the simple truth. I wish I could say it more eloquently than this. God owed a debt to Himself to reveal EVERY aspect of His Nature, including forgiveness.

What is more beautiful than a person being forgiven for some terrible wrong done?

Anonymous said...

It has not been proven to my satisfaction that god exists but we should remember Saint Tomas Aquinas when we make these semantic faith based arguments. To sum up his proof; "It is impossible, then, that anything should be both mover and the thing moved, in regard to the same thing and in the same way, or that it should move itself. Everything, therefore, is moved by something else. If, then, that by which it is moved, is also moved, this must be moved by something still different, and this, again, by something else. But this process cannot go on to infinity because there would not be any first mover, nor, because of this fact, anything else in motion, as the succeeding things would not move except because of what is moved by the first mover, just as a stick is not moved except through what is moved from the hand. Therefore it is necessary to go back to some first mover, which is itself moved by nothing---and this all men know as God. "

Davida said...

I grew up in a "Christian" home also and after many years of questioning which led to studying why I should believe in God and Jesus, I can now say that I do. So, I know where you're coming from. Don't let your questions bind you though. They are legitimate. Find literature, study, and see what resonates within you. One book that helped me a little, especially with some of the questions in your post is "Hell: Separate Truth From Fiction and Get Your Toughest Questions Answered" by Bill Wiese. Read it if you get a chance and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear back from you again about this.

Anonymous said...

I read this post and was greatly sadden. I have come to believe that without God I would be dead at this time. You see I went to church as a child, actually sent there, and was never really sure that I believed. It was not until about 4 years ago when I was at the bottom of it all that I truly realized that yes indeed God exists. I have read all the comments that were posted and even visited each site however, no one seems to offer you any proof to dissuade your view. Here is the best I can give you is from my own life. I was lost in the world of "crack cocaine" agter going through many other things that you mention as proof of God's non-existence. Like you , I felt that a good God that everyone preached would not allow such horrible things to happen to me. When I went to jail on possession charges I was forced to look at my life and see where I was and what could have been. I realized that it was not God's fault that I was in this situation or any of the other things I had endured. Quite to the contrary God had been trying to call me out of those messes but my own selfish lusts were just not willing to give up what I wanted. You see, dear, God did not want me to love Him because I felt obligated or because he forced me too. He greatly desired my love for Him and He was just waiting for me to see Him for who He really is. He is a loving parent who allows His children to make their mistakes in the world while He waits for them to come to Him and admit that they can not do it on their own. He created us that He could love us and that we would love Him. so many Christians today say they love God but do not show it by their actions and I can truly understand your skepticism but please realize that a truly good parent loves while giving their children freedom to love them in return. You are free to continue in the way you are going but god would really love for you to come home to Him. He is waiting for you just as He was for me. When I realized how much He wanted me and I turned my life over to Him He changed me from the inside out. I really wish and pray that you would read my full testimony on gods Child. I have included a link in my comment. It is not about me but it is about what God can do when He is allowed. Free will is good we do take advantage of it. I am in constant struggle to avoid taking advantage of God's grace and mercy. Just because we can does not mean we should. If we love Him we will not do the things you talked about. This is probably the most heartfelt post I have read and I truly want to cry for you in that I know you are still searching for truth. I will be praying for you and checking back in quite often. You will be able to see it because I will Drop on you each time.

Anonymous said...

You keep saying that God was stupid to give us free will. But think about it this way. If I write a program to say "I love you, (name)" when I wake up every morning, it wouldn't mean anything to me because the computer has no choice in what it says. God is the same way. If we are programmed to tell Him that we love Him, it wouldn't mean anything to Him. We should tell God that we love Him out of our own free will because He forgave us of our sins.

Also, I'd like to add this quote:
"I'd rather believe God exists and find out at death that he doesn’t, rather than not believe only to find out at death that he does."

See you in heaven!

The Sycologist said...

the answer to your question:

Anonymous said...

To the person who said this:

"I'd rather believe God exists and find out at death that he doesn’t, rather than not believe only to find out at death that he does."

That is known as Pascal's Wager... And It's the single most reason most people I come into contact with believe in God. And to be honest, It's pathetic. That basically says you believe in God on the basis of fear of Hell...

Also, To the first person to comment:

What the hell is the last part about?! Mostly every major war was started over religion!


So don't feed that bullshit here...

Anonymous said...

To the last person that commented saying "That basically says you believe in God on the basis of fear of Hell...": Hell is a pretty good thing to fear. Obviously, no one knows exactly what hell is like, but I would not want to be put there for all eternity. No words can express how horrible hell is, so yes, I do fear hell.

barbarajean said...

please stop the unreasonable reasoning that all people was given free will alright. Hungry people in Africa will to eat 3 times a day but they don't have the free will to do that. C'mon free will is only for the rich. The poorer you are the more limited your free will is.

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