Why can't we stop poverty?

11:42 AM Posted by PedroLS

I’ve been thinking on why most jobs are absolutely expendable. Janitors, waiters, salesman are all absolutely meaningless and worthless jobs. All of those jobs could be replaced, though not yet, by machines…

Though it doesn’t diminish in any way their rights as human beings, it certainly extinguishes their usefulness. I’d be absolutely fine if they weren’t relevant, however they’re the main reason for poverty;
Imagine you were the owner of a small company and you had to hire a security guard to keep your belongings safe at night. Would you pay him a decent wage, knowing he was doing a job with no qualifications that even a kid could do? If you are a decent person you’ll give him an adequate salary but not one that could get him a better place on life at the risk of jeopardizing your company’s welfare.

We’ve now stumbled on why there are so many social differences! If all jobs required the very same credentials (but on different subjects of course) there would be very few social differences (because of the offer/demand rate for each profession).

Were there no people with any qualifications ‘leeching taxes away’ we’d all be as r
ich as everybody else! Since a smaller income reflects itself on smaller tax payments, by having one of such jobs they are directly reducing the country’s wellbeing.

The other part of the problem lies on such non evolution-promoting jobs. You’d figure that by now, after 2000 years we’d have been fully ‘developed’, however we still have major social, economical and ever increasing health problems. Why?

Because out of the 6 living billion only a select minority is actively contributing!

So, take my advice, and get some type of qualification so you can aid us in our journey towards a better world.

10 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Some people are perfectly happy being security guards or janitors, and can do those jobs without living below the poverty line. I agree with you that ideally we would boost everyone into a more productive state, but unless there is incentive, some people just won't do it.

The only way I know of to incentivise people to improve themselves is to give them the opportunity to improve their social or financial class by doing so. If I could make as much money or have the same social standing by staying home playing video games for a living then why would I want to actually go to work and do something productive?

*** said...

Bit simplistic. There have to be poor people willing to take any job going to survive, or how would all the unpleasant jobs get done? Ever thought of disposing of your own garbage? Ever thought of building your own house in the middle of winter? Would you like cleaning out drains? Capitalism relies on social and intellectual differences, if everyone were rich, everyone would want to laze around like the rich do being waited on by whom? So it is capitalism which creates finacial difference, exploits people, profits from the poor and ultimately trashes the planet we all live on and depend on for everything. Better to live a simple, non consuming, unselfish life and avoid exploiting anyone.

The Law said...

What you propose here is a component of Marxism. Though that word has negative connotations, I mean it only to place a label on your commentary, not to call you a commie =)

The problem of this approach is there is actually a better chance that the average job will be the kind of jobs that hinder social growth, as evident in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea.

It is human nature I think to follow the path of least resistance, thus most people will work as hard is it takes to satisfy their basic needs. Competition is what provides incentive to obatin education and wealth. The drawback however, is competition inherently has winners and losers. Pumping money into the middle class only serves to get more people into the game to have a chance at success, but the effort is ultimately up to the individual.

What happens in a watered down version of your suggestion is in place in Canada, or European countries. The reward for success isn't as great because more people are able to produce goods and services of equal quality, or the government employs socialist measures to level the playing field. So in a capitalist system, there will always be haves and have nots, but a better educational system and strong middle class can significantly decrease the number of people of lower socioeconomic status.

my $1.02 =)

Anonymous said...

hi! your blog is very interesting :)
moreover, i am new to this blogging. i like to you to visits my site in your free time ..and give suggestion to improve
if possible add me in your blog roll. i will return my favour!!

PedroLS said...

i've added you. i'd like to thank u all for the constructive commentaries and hope you're looking forward to the next post.

Anonymous said...

I've done immersion work among the poor in my country. fromthe urban poor to those in the rural areas.
while capitalism provides the incentive to grow, it also espouse exploitation. Middlemen or traders often do the exploitation. They buy goods dirt cheap and pass it on at very high prices. The less fortunate will do anything to earn if given the chance. One way is to teach the skills they'll be needing.

Take a look at America and where it is now. Because of unmoderated greed, the middle class has been decimated. Capitalism also creates oligarchies and that is what's happening now. The problem is that interest groups and politicians control the social structures much to the disadvantage of most people.

Anonymous said...

Just like to ask if these articles are truly written by you... And where does this eighteen years old man get the inspiration?
I'm looking forward for an answer.
You know where I am.

Unknown said...

Hi. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Reading what you wrote. I think that all jobs are importantes.Existem people learning to take a better job. To get a good salary and live with a good salary. We must be the best in everything. Bye

Anonymous said...

Our Security Company provides professional security services and private detective services to Coporations, Homes, Private Citizens, Property Managers, Corporate Executives, & more. We efficiently screen every security guard employee in order to provide top level staffing at every clients site or post. Our security guard agency strives to surpass client’s expectations and respond to all concerns. http://www.servelsecurity.net/

Anonymous said...

poverty is women face
as the person who lived in a country that unfairly call the third world, i saw poverty as the result of unfair system today: neo-liberalism. In where not pro poor, just make benefits to the rich (and also developed country)

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